The number of members of Executive Committee (EC) is 7 (seven). Among them six are elected by the members of General Body (GB) and the Executive Director works as the General Secretary by ex-officio. The Executive Body is elected for a period of three (03) years from a body of 19 general members, whose are from different professions. The Executive Members contribute to the selection of the President. They always cooperate with the President and Secretary/ Executive Director for smooth and effective functioning of the organizational mechanism.

Md. Sultan Ahmed

Md. Sultan Ahmed

Md. Iqbal Hossain

Md. Mozzem Hossain Chowdhury

Moazzem Hossain Chowdhury

Rokeya Sultana

Rabaya Sultan Rina

Rabia Sultan (Rina)

Lowrance Pandy

Lawrence Pandey

Nasima Begum
Secretary/ Executive Director